Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace - Essential Concepts

1 module


Course Length
60 mins

Compliance Training Group



Our Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace courses are appropriate for all employees.  The Essential Concepts version offers foundational skills to support an employer’s D&I program. Participants will become more adept at navigating cultural and other differences between individuals in the workplace. By improving the quality of personal interactions among people with diverse identities, conflict will be reduced, making the workplace more efficient.  This 60-minute course improves recognition of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination, while suggesting strategies to halt those practices in favor of an equitable and inclusive environment for coworkers, clients, and the public.

During this eLearning experience, we’ll discuss how inclusive practices are an essential compliment to diversity in the workplace, and define many exclusive behaviors that can serve as a barrier, including harboring an implicit bias, perpetuating stereotypes, discrimination, and microaggressions. We’ll also recommend useful conversational techniques to address biased statements made in the workplace. Learners are given the opportunity to practice those techniques by using a “conversation simulator” to discourage stereotypical assumptions during conversations with coworkers.

Licensing and Terms of Use:

  • Our e-Learning training courses are designed for single-learner use only. Each purchased enrollment may be used for a single individual. Upon completion, the user will be provided with a certificate of completion reflecting their name and date.
  • Users are provided with 30 days from their user login activation date to complete their training. An extension period of one week can be requested at no additional charge (please contact Support).
  • Buyers are granted access to their e-learning course(s) upon purchase. Therefore, e-learning courses purchased through our store are nonrefundable.

Credits Earned Upon Course Completion:

  • 1.0 Professional Development Credits (PDCs) - SHRM
  • 1.0 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) - HRCI



Learners Will

  • Adopt a functional vocabulary for communicating about diversity and inclusion, specifically
    • Bias
      • Implicit Bias /Unconscious Bias
      • Affinity Bias
      • Conformity Bias
      • Halo Effect
      • Horns Effect
      • Confirmation Bias
    • Stereotype
    • Prejudice
    • Racism
      • Ideology
      • Structural (Institutional) Racism
    • Discrimination
      • Disparate Treatment
      • Disparate Impact
    • Microaggression
    • Inclusion
    • Cultural Competence
      • Intersectionality
      • Cultural Humility
      • Appreciation
      • Appropriation
  • Equate appropriate sensitivity, and the resultant behavior to respectfulness in matters of diversity among people
  • Name the “costs” of a disrespectful workplace, (i.e. inefficiency resulting from incivility among coworkers)
  • Recognize specific examples of speech and behavior that demonstrate insufficient sensitivity towards groups or cultures, when coupled with an explanation of why the behavior is disrespectful.
  • Seek to limit the harmful effects of their own biases to become a more effective change-agent.
    • Identify how lack of self-respect can serve as a detriment to inclusive behaviors
    • Commit to a methodical process of harm-reduction
      • Identify the sources of explicit bias
      • Become attuned to evidence of implicit bias
  • Identify the mechanisms by which various conversational strategies can be used to immediately confront stereotypes and other discriminatory behavior
  • Practice applying the one or more of the recommended conversational strategies in the context of a simulated conversation.
    • Select one of the strategies for deployment
    • Select specific language that leverages the chosen strategy to redirect a biased conversation
    • Observe the virtual conversation partner’s reaction to chosen response


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate Diversity & Inclusion in the Workplace - Essential Concepts (Certificate of Completion)


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{{ vm.helper.t('lup.gamification.achieved') }}

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Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace - Essential Concepts
{{ vm.helper.t('lup.courses.tincan') }}

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